Posting Images
A Guide to Image Hotlinking for Posting in Forum Topics

How to post a picture that you find either on SweetRides or another site on the internet.

No matter where you find a picture on the internet, you will be able to use this tutorial to post the picture in your Forum posts.

Step 1: Find a picture you want to post. Right Click on the image and Select Properties from the menu that appears.

Step 2: The next window that appears is the Image Properties Window. The part you are concerned with is highlighted in blue in the image below. This is the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that points to that image. Right Click on the URL and click Select All from the menu that appears. You will notice that the URL is highlighted. Now, with the URL highlighted, Right Click on the URL again and select Copy from the menu this time. This will copy the URL to the Windows Clipboard.

Step 3: Create a new Post or Reply to an existing post in the forums where you would like to post the picture you have found. Click on this button

located at the top of the Message Body section of the Forum Post to begin the image posting Wizard.

Step 4: After clicking that button, a dialog box will popup. Clear out any typing that may be in the Text Box on the dialog box. Then, once the Text Box is empty, Right Click in the Text Box and click Paste from the menu that appears.

Step 5: Once you have pasted the URL into the Text Box, click OK and you will see something like the image below. The

text that surrounds your image's URL is the code that the forum uses to recognize that you have posted an image URL in between those "tags." Type in your message before and / or after the inserted code to finish your forum post. Click Preview to check your forum post to see if it looks right and then you can click Submit once you have finished typing. Congratulations, you have posted an image in the Forums!

Tom [CStingray78]

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Published on: 2005-02-08 (45 reads)

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