Car for sale
by stangman88
im not out to get rid of my car but if anyone wants it i am willing to make a deal.... i want $8000 so if you or someone you know is interested here are the now has fog lights and spintech side exit exhaust i recently installed a kenne bell standard 6 psi supercharger and its having some running problems and i dont know for sure yet what it is but it seems like injectors or somethin but i think $500 should have the problem fixed and you'll have a reliable 12 sec daily driver... so put the word out
Noooooooo you cant sell it.... LOL
OMG, what has made you bring it down to this?!?!?!?!
I think it is becuase he is joining the coast guard, and will be out of state for awhile. Matt correct me if I am wrong.
How about we let Matt speak for himself there skipper.
well its partially b/c of that and partially cuz i just spent $3500 on a supercharger and its have some stupid problem that i dont feel like fucking with right fairly sure its nothing major but ya never know its still running really strong and all its just some sort of putting a supercharger on a stock setup problem...what i really need is a good performance shop to bring it to if anyone knows one that would be
I know there is one down towards the city, but the name is exscaping me. If you want get onto, and post in their. I have always had good help and response from people on that dedicated mustang board. Dont give up though, you will figgure it out.
well all is good...i converted to mass air..and it runs great now..needs a little tuning but she screams ran at 75-80 the other day and got a 13.7 but i know its a 13.0 car easy...w/o tuning so its still for sale i wont take ay less the $8500 in its current state well mabe a little less but still you goona have to buy from under me but i will let her go