Hfsmas Nutcraker 2004
by 98gtvert
Anyone interested in attending this. I think I am going to go seeing as I havent made it to a concert all year. It sounds like a decent line up. Should be a good time.
I may be interested. Lets see who else may want to go by the time the Thursday Pre-Sale comes around.
Sounds good. It isnt GA like it has been in the past, and the Patriot Center sucks for non GA shows unless you have seats upfront. Last year my bro and I had seats on the floor and it was great. So that is what I am shooting for this year if I go...
I would def be intrested. Gonna depend on the ticket price, granted there are alot of good bands that I would like to see, but if its like $100 I might be scared off. Keep me posted. If you have definite prices or plans follow up with a phone call just in case I turn into an internet recluse!
99 Roush Stage III Mustang
91 GT 306
Well Steve if you pay atention up above it says the tickets are 48$-58$ depeding on where you sit. Anyways we are having a christmas get together on my dads side of the family that day so i may not be able to make it. But screw that, why are we have christmas on the 4th...